An online community sharing the study and practice of Chan Buddhism

With translations in many languages


You've traveled up ten thousand steps in search of the Dharma.

So many long days in the archives, copying, copying.

The gravity of the Tang and the profundity of the Sung make heavy baggage.

Here! I've picked you a bunch of wildflowers.

Their meaning is the same

but they're much easier to carry.




Buscando el Dharma
Has viajado diez mil pasos buscando el Dharma.
Cuántos largos días en los archivos, copiando, copiando.

La gravedad de los Tang y la profundidad de los Sung son pesada carga.

¡Aquí! Te he cogido un manojo de flores silvestres.
Su significado es el mismo, pero son mucho más fáciles de llevar.



Auf der Suche Uebersetzt von Wu-pieh-an



A la Recherche du Dharma
Tu as voyage 10,000 pas a la recherche du Dharma.

Tu as passe tant de journées dans les archives copiant et copiant.

La pesanteur du Tang et la profondite du Sung font de lourds baggages.

Tiens! j'ai cueilli un bouquet de fleurs savages pour toi!

Leur signification est la même, mais les fleurs sont plus faciles a emporter!



Procurando Pelo Dharma Traduzido por Yao Sheng
Você viajou dez mil passos em busca do Dharma.
Tantos longos dias em bibliotecas, copiando, copiando.

A gravidade da Tang e a profundidade da Sung
são bagagem pesada.

Aqui! Colhi para você algumas flores silvestres.
Seu significado é o mesmo
mas são muito mais fáceis de carregar.


Searching for the Dharma (in Chinese/Pinyin)

by Master Hsu Yun
Translated to Pinyin (from the English
translation) by Fa Xian